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加能 史料 戦国Ⅲ 加能史料編纂委員会、金沢市、株式会社ショセキ 平成十五年 (Kano Historical Resources Sengoku III Kano Historical Resource Editorial Board, Kanazawa City, Shoseki Pty.Ltd, 2003)


加能 史料 戦国Ⅲ 加能史料編纂委員会、金沢市、株式会社ショセキ 平成十五年 (Kano Historical Resources Sengoku III Kano Historical Resource Editorial Board, Kanazawa City, Shoseki Pty.Ltd, 2003)
「蓮如上人仰条々」長享二年 (一四八八) (The quotations of the illustrious Rennyo) (Chōkyō 2 1488)




る之由仰 アリキ、何事モ知ラサル尼入道ノ類ノ事迄モ思食サレ候へハ、何トモ御迷惑、



This is an often quoted passage written by Jitsugo some sixty years after the events it describes. It begins by stating that the shōgun at the time had made repeated requests that the members of the Monto who were responsible for the Kaga kuni ikki should be banished from the Monto as a whole. He also stated that those sons of Rennyo currently in residence in Kaga should return to the Kinai. As a response, Rennyo said that in relation to the abandonment of members of the Kaga Monto, this would be like cutting his own flesh, and mentioned many times the example of Amanyūdō. Abandoning the Monto would be `a great nuisance`, a point that Rennyo strived to convey. Hence to abandon the Monto would create difficulties that would defy wisdom. This Rennyo was reported to have said with much regret.

© Greg Pampling. This page was modified in December 2011